Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Annotated Bibliography

Krystall Fasel
English 102

Annotated Bibliography

Ackerman, Jennifer. “Food: How Altered?” National Geographic. Environment: National Geographic, 2015. Web. 10 October 2015.

In understanding GMO products I looked into an article in National Geographic Magazine. Jennifer Acherman wrote, “Food: How Altered?” that introduced the differences in modifying plant DNA. There has been many instances where people breed and crossbreed different plants for different outcomes. Most often these natural breeding processes produce plants that grow somewhat differently than their original DNA seeds produced. With the genetic engineering introduced in the 1970’s the plant’s DNA changes unnaturally and significantly. These changes sound to be positive though there are still many questions. Countries outside of the United States have banned many of these products even though they have many starving citizens. This article is helpful in understanding GMO crops and the environmental concerns around the world.

“Bacillus Thuringiensis.” University of San Diego. www.be.ucsd.edu/gmo. Web. 24 Oct. 2015

The group at the University of San Diego work with understanding the Bt proteins used in GMO crops. The Bt gene is a natural insecticide that has been used for many years externally on crops to control insects without using chemical pesticides. In 1996 bacillus thuringiensis was modified into many crops to help the plants protect themselves without having to actually spray insecticides on them. The procedure helped environmentally by not needing dangerous toxins though there have been other concerns on the effects that could potentially come out.  Throughout my research the Bt protein has been talked about as a concern. This article goes in depth on explaining exactly what it is.

Barbot, Paul. “Monsanto and Syngenta Tighten Stranglehold on Global Food Supply.” Truthout. OP-ED, 06 Oct. 2015. Web. 24 Oct. 2015.

Paul Barbot wrote an article “Monsanto and Syngenta Tighten Stranglehold on Global Food Supply”, these companies are chronicled throughout most of these articles as being in control of the patented GMO seeds. There are political and monetary gain in owning the rights to these altered organisms, taking over the needs of the worlds food supply. Perhaps this is just one of the reasons that other countries are adverse towards allowing such products into their agricultural systems. An explained introduction to these companies is crucial to my research as they are mentioned in many articles.

Bello, Walden. “Twenty-Six Countries Ban GMO’s – Why Won’t the US?” The Nation. Foreign Policy In Focus, 29 Oct. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2015.

In the article by Walden Bello and Foreign Policy In Focus, “Twenty-Six Countries Ban GMOs—Why Won’t the US?” prove that many countries have banned GMOs based on the fact that there have not been enough studies done to prove that the cross pollination of a GMO field would not have adverse effects on natural crops being grown close in proximity. There are also concerns with the patented GMO seeds being in control of a single corporation. This article chronicles the concerns of many countries outside of the United States that are against using GMO crops, it is helpful in the asking of questions for the lack of understanding or involvements in the U.S.  

Carini, Frank. “Are GMO’s Safe?” ecoRInews. ecoRInews, 22 Sep. 2014. Web. 5 Nov. 2015.

Carini brings into perspective one of the leading causes for GMO concerns being in the large corporations gaining control of the world’s food supply.  There are six main companies that control this multibillion-dollar market of bioengineered products:
·         Monsanto
·         DuPont
·         Bayer
·         BASF
·         Syngenta
·         Dow Chemical Co

Many organic farmers feel that there is an unfair advantage to these companies to patent and control many of these crops when the wind and nature play an important role in seed pollination. The article also considers scientific research as to why GMO’s are safe as well as concerns that contrast the same information. Labeling is addressed with many facts including the differences between the U.S. and the U.N.

Delwaide, Anne-Cécile, et al. "Revisiting Gmos: Are There Differences In European Consumers’ Acceptance And Valuation For Cisgenically Vs Transgenically Bred Rice?." Plos ONE 10.5 (2015): 1-16. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

In the research article, “Revisiting GMOs: Are There Differences in European Consumers’ Acceptance and Valuation for Cisgenically vs Transgenically Bred Rice?” We dive into the fact that with global growth we must find a way to feed so many people. Rice is a staple for many cultures and it seems that genetically altering the DNA of the rice will increase its production rate even in times of flood or drought. This article gives fact and percentages to make points very clear. The information is useful when discussing rice or wheat and important in explaining how other countries are excepting the GMO products.

Dubock, Adrian. "The Politics Of Golden Rice." GM Crops & Food 5.3 (2014): 210-222. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.

“The Politics of Golden Rice”, is a thorough investigation into the not-for-profit Golden Rice project. Using the explanation that a GMO is where the DNA from one species is added to another to alter its organic properties. The golden rice is a GMO rice that has been modified by adding vitamin A to its DNA to make a healthier product for human consumption. The thought was to grow these crops in countries devastated by famine to far better feed the communities in need.

“GMO’s: Solution or Problem?” EOI: Escuela De Organizocion Industial. Guillermo Jose Latorre Merino, 27 Feb. 2014. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.

This article explains what a GMO or Genetically Modified Organism is. The Advantages of using these crops to produce more food using genetically altered crops. Also explaining that are still unknown health concerns for human consumption that have created an objection worldwide to these organisms.  This article has helped me ask questions for my research project as well as explain both the positive and negative effects.

Herrick, Clare B. "‘Cultures Of GM’: Discourses Of Risk And Labelling Of Gmos In The UK And EU." Area 37.3 (2005): 286-294. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

“Cultures of GM’: Discourses of Risk and Labelling of GMOs in the UK and EU” by Clare Herrick the questions are begging to be answered. The controversy of what these crops could possibly do to human health, agriculture and local farms are being looked at. People are looking at facts from around the world and wondering why the United States has not been labeling possible GMO products. This is a useful article when conveying the importance of GMO labeling.

“Honey Bee Health.” Monsanto. Monsanto, 2015. Web. 13 October 2015.

This article comes from the Monsanto Company showing concern for the honey bee. These bees are essential to the health of all crops. Monsanto explains how they are using many organizations to promote healthy ways to protect honey bees as well as care for them. This is an article that leads me to question why so many organizations are against this company.

Kwa, Aileen. “Agriculture in Developing Countries: Which way forward?” focusweb.org. Focus on the Global South, June 2001. Web. 13 October 2015.

In the article by Aileen Kwa, “Agriculture in Developing Countries: Which way Forward?” many farmers in South America, Africa and Asia are being forced into the new farming industrialization. These practices are causing concern in the overuse of pesticides. Many farmers are having to modernize their farm manufacturing for their own livelihood and welfare of property. This article coincides with my understanding and explanation of small farmers throughout the world and how the GMO  product is effecting small crop fields.

Lieberman, Sarah, and Tim Gray. "Gmos And The Developing World: A Precautionary Interpretation Of Biotechnology." British Journal Of Politics & International Relations 10.3 (2008): 395-411. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.

Sarah Lieberman and Tim Gray consider the differences between the United States and European Union when it comes to GM food aid policies and agricultural biotechnology. Where China is the leading recipient of GM crops from the U.S. many other nations have refused shipments of even food aid containing GM products. This article shows all of the differences between the U.S. and E.U. and how it is effecting other nations in their decisions in using GM crops and products.

Lobb, Richard L. “Green Revolution.” Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. The Gale Group Inc., 2003. Web. 24 Oct. 2015.

The Green Revolution is talked about in many other articles. This is an explanation of when and how it was all started. In the 1960’s and 1970’s the modernization of genetically altered agriculture was just becoming popular. Its products were doubling the production of many crops including wheat, rice and corn. The thought was to produce more food per capita though many objections came out when it seemed that the larger farms were the only ones able to benefit from altered seeds.

“Maps of GMO-Free Zones in Europe.” Map. GMO Free Europe. GMO Free Europe, 2015. Web. 20 Oct. 2015.

The web site (http://www.gmo-free-regions.org/gmo-free-regions/maps.html) shows how many different countries in Europe are gluten free or closely moderate how many GMOs will be allowed. It is extremely interesting to see how other countries perceive GMO products in relation to the US that does not seem to mind them at all.

 Paarlberg, Robert. "A Dubious Success: The NGO Campaign Against Gmos." GM Crops & Food 5.3 (2014): 223-228.Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.

Robert Paarlberg explains NGO organizations and their effect on GMO crops. NGO organizations are not-for-profit nongovernmental organizations. They tend to be more accepted by society as they are not corporate-led with monetary agendas. In “A Dubious Success: The NGO Campaign Against GMOs” the Greenpeace International and Friends of the Earth International are European NGO groups that work with NGO groups in the United States as well as Canada. Their most recent global campaign it for the labeling of foods containing GMO products. For the parties that are pro-GMO, using scientific proof that GMOs are perfectly safe has not seemed to make much of a difference for many other countries that have refused GMO crops or aid shipments containing GMO products. Many feel it to be unfair that NGO organizations of rich countries would label a product unsafe causing the rejection from poor cultures to receive aid. This article also counters other articles in stating that GMO crops are beneficial to farmers.

Roe, Brian and Mario F. Teisl. “Genetically Modified Food Labeling: The Impacts of Message on Consumer Perceptions of Labels and Products.” Food Policy 32.1 (2001): 49-66. Science Diet. Web. 26 Oct. 2015.

Brian Roe and Mario Teisl’s article “Genetically Modified Food Labeling: The Impact of Message and Messenger on Consumer Perceptions of Labels and Products” detail the fact that there are potential benefits to using these genetically modified seeds though there still claims of health and agricultural concern. Manufacturers can voluntarily label products of GM content though they are not required to. There is concern that because not enough testing has been done labeling a product GMO could potentially make the product second-rate to organic products of its own category. Many farmers being pressured into using genetically altered seeds are forced to buy products from companies such as Monsanto or Syngenta. The labelling of GMO product are very important to my research as it is part of my thesis.

 "The Farmer's Friend. (Cover Story)." New Internationalist 481 (2015): 23-27. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.

In “The Farmer’s Friend” cover story of New Internationalist, the controversial Bt seeds are explored. These seeds are genetically altered to reduce the need of insecticides. Again farmers are expected to use these seeds coming from corporate companies and not being able to reproduce other crops with stock of regrowth seeds. In the height of necessity many farms are producing these crops that produce products that consumers are buying every day at the market. The United States consumers are asking questions and wanting to know what it is that they are buying.

 "The People Vs Monsanto (And Other GM Giants). (Cover Story)." New Internationalist 481 (2015): 24-25. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.

“The People Vs Monsanto” is a collective statement from farmers, beekeepers, and campaigners around the world showing the devastation of such a large corporation being in control of a “seed”. There are many that have won the battle by proving scientifically how much damage can be done with such a great power. These are the groups and people that have succeeded in pushing back at Monsanto by using science and the law to prove their point. There are many great sources to check into throughout this article.

“The war Against GMO Labeling.” GMO Awareness. GMO Awareness, 21 Aug. 2012. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.

The GMO Awareness website is fighting hard to have manufactures label GMO products. The site gives some history on failed propositions and ways to promote finally approving one. These initiatives have been denied or rejected due to Monsanto and other large corporations funding anti-labeling campaigns. Buying organic produce and organic groceries is a sure way to stay clear of processed GMO foods. Many companies that Americans are familiar with using GMO products are:
·         Bumble Bee Foods
·         Campbell Soup Company
·         Pepperidge Farms
·         Coca-Cola
·         Dole Packaged Foods Company
·         General Mills
·         Hershey Company
·         Kelloggs

United States.  Library of Congress. “Restrictions on Genetically Modified Organisms.”Law.gov. 9 June 2015. Web. 1 Nov. 2015.

“Restrictions on Genetically Modified Organisms” is from the Library of Congress. It outlines and somewhat defines the many different organizations that are in control of GMO crops and products. The public and scholarly opinions are examined and considered. Many feel there is not enough regulations on GMO products in that many citizens don’t even know the amount of the product that they are consuming. It is also brought up that the United States relies on the biotechnology industry and products for a large percent of profit for the US economy.

Walia, Arjun. “10 Scientific Studies Proving GMO’s can be Harmful to Human Health.” Collective-Evolution. CE, 8 April 2014. Web. 13 October 2015.

Arjun Walia lists the ten most common reasons for many countries to ban or consider banning GMO products. The article “10 Scientific Studies Proving GMO’s can be Harmful to Human Health”, begins by explaining that there has not been enough research done on GMO’s to prove that it is completely safe for human consumption. Some of the studies done go into detail on the negative effects of GMOs in the human body. There have been cases of toxins being found in the fetus of a woman’s body and in newborns with birth defects. The complexity of DNA in the modified crops are showing up in the bloodstream of some tested. This also has been shown to create difficulty with the digestion of gluten containing GMOs. There have also been studies that link some of the chemicals used on bioengineered crops can have cancer causing properties, mostly with human breast cancer cell growth. There are many more health concerns including links to GMOs and autism or Alzheimer’s. The chemicals used on these crops are much more dangerous than organic grown plants.