Thursday, April 30, 2015

Look To See

Krystall Fasel and Angela Burleson

Where and How Positions are Expressed Around you.
Appeal/Fail to Appeal

Stand on issue #1:

Local church advertising "12 step program" to help cure children of these ailments. One of them being controversial in 'Same Sex Attraction'. We do not promote this kind of action against children. People should have a right to make that kind of decision on their own.   

Stand on issue #2

Against human slavery in foreign countries to promote lower costs. Also against bringing down the local economy and driving out small businesses. 

Stand on issue #3

The companies that promote "Healthy Options" by feeding your families and children over processed meals don't seem to understand what is wrong. We do not approve of these kinds of meals because they are loaded with salt, sugar and they can cause many forms of health issues.

Think About Genre

Krystall Fasel
English 101
Exercise on page 62

Think About Genre

Most recently I have noticed there are many people that have opinions on my personal diet. I am gluten intolerant and since I was a child have preferred to not eat meat. I am not a diehard vegetarian as I do love seafood. The proper term for me would be pescatarian. For the family at home I buy free range, organic, hormone free meats of all kinds. It’s a little bit more expensive but worth it to feed my family. My findings over the course of my life, with my personal diet, some people understand it and some people are annoyed by it. Culturally eating out in many different ethnic restaurants, can be challenging. Most of these type of restaurants do not understand. Americanized and corporate restaurants usually have list that detail the allergens in all of their menu items. I still however, get a roll of the eyes and a look from the servers. For this reason I have a select few places I go out to eat, with understanding staff and great accommodations.

As a small child I was pretty open minded to food. Gobbling up anything put in front of me. It was only as I got older and started understanding where meat came from. I started looking up videos and pictures. To me these cruel acts against our food was torture. Disgusted I couldn’t stand the thought of consuming so much negative energy. Focusing myself on being positive I joined a team based in Seattle that goes out and educates people. A few years ago when there was a law being passed for humane living for egg laying hens, I was amongst the group collecting signatures. There were some people that agreed with our cause and some that did not. It was going to cost large corporations lots of money to redesign how the hen’s cages were arranged and handled, which in turn would cost the consumer more money to purchase.

I could easily see both sides of the controversy. My mind was made up though. I would continue to spend a little but more and feel good about my family’s food. I would continue to voice my opinions, usually only when asked. It is amazing to me how nonchalantly people ignore the facts. Everyone in the end has the right to believe and feel how they desire. 


Krystall Fasel
English 101
Rough Draft #2

Marilyn Monroe
A Personal Narrative

“Then off to Saks for a bulky sweater, terry-cloth three-quarter hooded beach jacket, a blanket, a large towel for those peek-a-boo shots, and a sexy bikini. I did not buy Marilyn any undergarments—she never wore them.”
-George Barris ‘Her Life in Her Own Words, Marilyn’

The first time I watched ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’, I believe I was fifteen years old.  Falling instantly in love with this classic movie, feeling that she and I had so much in common. I myself was a bubbly, and silly blonde young woman. I soon added to my cinema interest by watching, ‘The Seven Year Itch’, and ‘Some Like It Hot’. I watched them on old VHS tapes, and I marveled at how glamorous the beginning of Hollywood was. These actors and actresses, in their time, had to be multi-talented. They had to sing and dance along with remembering lines. ‘I could never do that’, I thought to myself. ‘I could never be that talented or that beautiful’. There she was, Marilyn Monroe, dressed in pink. That was my new favorite color, I decided that right there at that moment. I started talking about her and asking questions. Caring about her, looking up facts, and reading books.  Always wanting to find an autobiography, a journal, or an interview, something that could place me next to her.
My mother bought me a book for my birthday. I read it. She bought me another book for Christmas and I read that one. I was reading not because I had to, but because I wanted to. My searching brought me to an antique shop in Port Orchard where the store clerk found me on the floor rummaging through some old magazines. Having in mind exactly what I was looking for I pulled one from the pile, then the next making more piles. Dust floating around me as I carefully checked from one magazine to the next. Paying careful attention to dates. I’m sure I looked a mess sitting on the floor, my hair in a bun, just on the verge of sneezing.
“Can I help you find something honey?” She asked me. Probably puzzled by my appearance, conceivably she had seen this before. I would love to someday interview the people that work in old antique shops, and the individuals that must come in looking for peculiar things. Today was my turn.
“I was hoping to find the old ‘Life’ magazine from 1952 with Marilyn on the cover, or even old pictures from ‘Family Circle’ or ‘Blue Book’ an old ‘Photoplay’?” Hopeful I looked up at her.
She smiled at me. “We don’t have anything like that here honey. Try some of the shops in Seattle, we do however have a few books.”
She led me over to a book shelf where she pulled out ‘Marilyn: Her Life in Her Own Words’. I bought the book without hesitation, I was thrilled. In it were photos, journal entries. The best book I’d found so far. Excited I raced home and began to read, I felt like I was sitting in her bedroom with her, interviewing her myself. She had me hooked, me and everyone else.
The antique stores in Seattle did have an array of items. I found posters, magazines, wine bottles, anything you wanted in life you could find with a picture of Marilyn. There was a store in Santa Cruz, California that had an abundance, though I found most completely out of my price range. Being close to these artifacts did make me happy though. Reading more about her and collecting magazine articles over the years completely filling my apartment. There’s something about her strength that makes me want to be strong. I had a yearning to know more so I read and I researched.
“Those things the press has been saying about me, are fine, if they want to give the wrong impression. It’s as simple as all that. I’m not interested in being a millionaire. The one thing a person wants most in life is usually something basic that money can’t buy. I’m not the girl next door—I’m not a goody-goody—but I think I’m human.”
-Marilyn Monroe
Quote recorded by George Barris ‘Her Life in Her Own Words, Marilyn’ page 137

Marilyn had survived so much in her childhood.  She had been passed around from family members, abandoned by her mother and placed into foster care.  Never once harboring hatred for those that abandoned her, always forgiving and understanding. Always left just wanting to be loved.
In her stay under foster care she suffered many forms of abuse.  She, in my opinion, took these times in her life and formed an ideal of what she would hope for in the future. Once her life was in her own hands she would not allow these hardships to discourage her from the fame she believed would one day be hers. From family to orphanage, to foster care, to family again. She never had a stable life and she lived a life of broken promises. In order for her to free herself from this pain she married at sixteen years old, got a job and pursued the life of a military homemaker.  Excepting of this life, it was only as she got older and started being allowed to find herself that she realized what she wanted.  Being discovered by a modeling scout while at work, her hopes and dreams came into sight.
Her life then began spiraling into a world she knew nothing about. Always being told what to wear, how to stand and who to be. She fought hard every single day to prove her worth.  It was in that new modeling career that she realized her true potential. She chose to abandon her job and her husband to peruse something for herself, something that she wanted. People usually misunderstand her background. To understand Marilyn Monroe you would literally have to place yourself in her shoes and live a life in the era where she grew up and became famous. It’s easy for most to misconstrue the situation by thinking, ‘She’s just a blonde girl, living on beauty with the world handed to her’. When in fact she was a hard working women that shaped Hollywood and the worlds view on women in the cinema. Marilyn changed my ideas on life, she gave me strength.  Surviving my own tortuous and confusing childhood, I found myself being free of judgment and really sympathizing with her. I see persistence in her, in the hardest moments, she never gave up.

“I’ve tried to imagine spring all winter—it’s here and I still feel hopeless. I think I hate it here because there is no love here anymore…”
-Marilyn Monroe 1957
‘Vanity Fair, November 2010’
‘Marilyn’s Secret Diaries’

Obsession grew, secretly wanting to know everything. I was given, as a gift, some very private photos of Marilyn. At nineteen, I framed the delicate photos with extra care and hung them on the walls of my apartment. I felt like every story I read, every quote and every photo put me just a little closer to her. I began to try and follow in her footsteps, almost to every hip move in the way I walked. Not just because every man wanted her and every women wanted to be her, but because she had endured so much. She took every negative thing that ever happened to her and turned it around. No matter how bad things got she still wanted to do her best. After researching and reading everything I could get my hands on, I began to make my own opinions. Her pain came from within her own body. She wanted more than anything in life to have her own children.  Her body however could not reproduce. She was unable to carry a child after conception. It is rumored by many that she had repeated abortions although that is only rumor and the truth is long lost.

“Marilyn’s final hospital stay was just two weeks before she died, when Dr. Krohn operated on her once again endometriosis. Speculation that this hospitalization episode was for an abortion…seems unlikely, in view of her enormous desire to have children.”
-Adam Victor, ‘The Marilyn Encyclopedia’

Never having my thirst of knowledge quenched, I have searched for every last book. I took meticulous notes on one author to the next. Comparing stories to see how accurate they were. Pretending sometimes that I could have lived in the same era, memorizing the lines from her movies, the words to her soundtracks and smiling though the darkest days. It is in my opinion, after the many books that I have read, she overdosed on her own medications which is what finally killed her. Like so many famous people that we all know, Michael Jackson, Anna Nichole Smith, Brittany Murphy and so many others, prescription drugs not controlled can be deadly. In her time, doctors did not have symptoms in place with each other and often times diagnosed her and prescribed her with different prescriptions simultaneously, not knowing there were other doctors involved with her analysis.  She was chronically sick with colds, pain, and gynecological problems, always on more than one medication at a time. She also very much enjoyed drinking alcohol. The combination proved to be more then she could control.

“The thing I want more than anything else? I want a baby! I want to have children! I used to feel that for every child I had, I would adopt another…”
-Marilyn Monroe
Quote recorded by George Barris ‘Her Life in Her Own Words, Marilyn’ page 131

Having a ‘Marilyn’ day of my own. Wanting to feel wonderful and enjoy the good weather, I went shopping on a sunny day. I came across a few antique shops finding nothing to favor. Staying positive I tried ‘Goodwill’. They have a very fun section of ‘Vintage Clothing’ that I always find something to favor. Sometimes finding things my grandmother would have worn, sometimes something my mother would have worn. On this particular day I came across a very special sweater. It was very familiar to me, as if I’d seen it before. Mostly cream, with brown, stripes. Knit with a tie around the waist. I put it on over my own clothes. Normally not something I would do but I was falling in love with this sweater. I bought it and brought it home. There were no tags on the inside but I knew the sweater was special. Only coming to me later did I realize that it was almost identical to the sweater that Marilyn wore in the photo shoot with George Barris.  I know it’s obviously not the same one, but when I ware it on cold days I feel warmer. It’s also my favorite sweater to wear to the beach. Pretending to be like Marilyn, playing in the waves. I still search high and low for more books, more stories, and more photos. I know that she is enormously famous, people around the world know who she is. She has been written into songs, poems, and been inspirational to artists all over the world. She has started trends, been a generational sex symbol that all others look up to. She is featured in literature, movies, on cups or shot glasses, in fashion magazines today. To me, she is a little girl just wanting to be loved. Wishing for all the love in the world to fill her heart. Only in death did she finally achieve that, death beat her but could not take from her, her one true wish. To be eternally, forever loved.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Marilyn (Rough Draft)

Krystall Fasel
English 101
Rough Draft #2

Marilyn Monroe
A Personal Narrative

“Then off to Saks for a bulky sweater, terry-cloth three-quarter hooded beach jacket, a blanket, a large towel for those peek-a-boo shots, and a sexy bikini. I did not buy Marilyn any undergarments—she never wore them.”
-George Barris ‘Her Life in Her Own Words, Marilyn’

The first time I watched ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’, I believe I was 15 years old.  Being a blonde girl myself I instantly fell in love with the movie.  Followed by me watching, ‘The Seven Year Itch’, and ‘Some Like It Hot’. I watched them on old VHS tapes and I marveled at how glamorous it all was. These actors and actresses back then had to be multi-talented. They had to sing and dance along with remembering lines. ‘I could never do that’, I thought to myself. ‘I could never be that talented or that beautiful’. There she was, Marilyn Monroe. Dressed in pink. That was my new favorite color, I decided that right there at that moment. I started talking about her. Caring about her. Looking up facts, reading books.  Always wanting to find an autobiography, or a better biography then the last. Searching antique shops to find any little thing that was different from what over processed box stores had to offer. This girl had survived so much in her childhood.  She had been passed around from family members, abandoned by her mother and finally placed into foster care.  Never once harboring hatred for those that abandoned her, always forgiving. Always left just wanting to be loved. Her foster family did not care for her properly and she suffered many forms of abuse.  From family to orphanage, to foster care, to family again. She never had a stable life and she lived a life of broken promises. In order for her to free herself from this pain she married at 16 years old.  It was only as she got older and started being allowed to find herself that she realized what she wanted from life.  She fought hard every single day to prove her worth.  It was in modeling that she realized her true potential. She chose to abandon her job and her husband to peruse something for herself, something that she wanted. Most people look at her and think she’s just a blonde girl, living on beauty with the world handed to her.  I see so much more.  She gives me strength.  I myself had a very rough childhood, and I see strength in her, in the hardest moments, she never gave up. She did her best to prove she was worth it.

“Those things the press has been saying about me, are fine, if they want to give the wrong impression. It’s as simple as all that. I’m not interested in being a millionaire. The one thing a person wants most in life is usually something basic that money can’t buy. I’m not the girl next door—I’m not a goody-goody—but I think I’m human.”
-Marilyn Monroe
Quote recorded by George Barris ‘Her Life in Her Own Words, Marilyn’ page 137

My mother bought me a book for my birthday. I read it. She bought me another book for Christmas and I read that one. I was reading not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I started searching antique shops for more information. She had started her career as Norma Jean Baker, a model. Maybe I would get lucky and find some really old stuff. Searching through an old antique shop in Port Orchard the store clerk found me on the floor going through some old magazines. I’m sure I looked a mess covered in dust sitting on the floor.
“Can I help you find something honey?” She asked me.
“I was hoping to find the old ‘Life’ magazine from 1952 with Marilyn on the cover, or even old pictures from ‘Family Circle’ or ‘Blue Book’ an old ‘Photoplay’?” Hopefully I looked up at her.
She smiled at me. “We don’t have anything like that here honey. Try some of the shops in Seattle, we do however have a few books.”
She led me over to a book shelf where she pulled out ‘Marilyn: Her Life in Her Own Words’. I bought the book without hesitations. I was thrilled. In it were photos, journal entries. The best book I’d found so far. Excited I raced home and began to read. I felt like I was sitting in her bedroom with her, interviewing her myself. She had me hooked. Me and everyone else.
Searching antique stores in Seattle, I did get lucky a few times. There were some places that had old Marilyn memorabilia, and over the years I’ve found even more. There was a store in Santa Cruz, California that had an abundance. All findings were completely out of my price range. Being close to these artifacts did make me happy though. Reading more about her and collecting magazine articles over the years completely filled my house. There’s something about her strength that makes me want to be strong.

“I’ve tried to imagine spring all winter—it’s here and I still feel hopeless. I think I hate it here because there is no love here anymore…”
-Marilyn Monroe 1957
‘Vanity Fair, November 2010’
‘Marilyn’s Secret Diaries’

Obsession  grew, secretly wanting to know everything. I was given, as a gift, some very private photos of Marilyn. At 19, I framed the delicate photos with extra care and hung them on the walls of my apartment. I felt like every story I read, every quote and every photo put me just a little closer to her. I began to try and follow in her footsteps, almost to every hip move in the way I walked. Not just because every man wanted her and every women wanted to be her, but because she had survived so much. She took every negative thing that ever happened to her and turned it around. No matter how bad things got she still wanted to do her best. After researching and reading everything I could get my hands on, I began to make my own opinions. Her pain came from within her own body. She wanted more than anything in life to have her own children.  Her body however could not reproduce. She was unable to carry a child after conception. It is rumored by many that she had repeated abortions although that is only rumor and the truth is long lost.

“Marilyn’s final hospital stay was just two weeks before she died, when Dr. Krohn operated on her once again endometriosis. Speculation that this hospitalization episode was for an abortion…seems unlikely, in view of her enormous desire to have children.”
-Adam Victor, ‘The Marilyn Encyclopedia’

Never having my thirst of knowledge quenched, I have searched for every last book. I take meticulous notes on one author to the next. Comparing stories to see how accurate they are. Pretending sometimes that I could have lived in the same era. Memorizing the lines from her movies, the words to her soundtracks and smiling though the darkest days. It is in my opinion, after the many books that I have read, she overdosed on her own medications which is what finally killed her. Like so many famous people that we all know, Michael Jackson, Anna Nichole Smith and so many others, prescription drugs not controlled can be deadly. In her time, doctors were not on board with each other and often times diagnosed her and prescribed her with different prescriptions simultaneously, not knowing there were other doctors involved with her diagnosis.  She was chronically sick with colds, pain, and gynecological problems, always on more than one medication at a time. She also very much enjoyed drinking alcohol. The combination proved to be more then she could control.

“The thing I want more than anything else? I want a baby! I want to have children! I used to feel that for every child I had, I would adopt another…”
-Marilyn Monroe
Quote recorded by George Barris ‘Her Life in Her Own Words, Marilyn’ page 131

Having a ‘Marilyn’ day of my own. Wanting to feel wonderful and enjoy the good weather, I went shopping on a sunny day. I came across a few antique shops finding nothing to favor. Staying positive I tried ‘Goodwill’. They have a very fun section of ‘Vintage Clothing’ that I always find something to favor. Sometimes finding things my grandmother would have worn, sometimes something my mother would have worn. On this particular day I came across a very special sweater. It was very familiar to me, as if I’d seen it before. Mostly cream, with brown, stripes. Knit with a tie around the waist. I put it on over my own clothes. Normally not something I would do but I was falling in love with this sweater. I bought it and brought it home. There were no tags on the inside but I knew the sweater was special. Only coming to me later did I realize that it was almost identical to the sweater that Marilyn wore in the photo shoot with George Barris.  I know it’s obviously not the same one, but when I ware it on cold days I feel warmer. It’s also my favorite sweater to wear to the beach. Pretending to be like Marilyn, playing in the waves. I still search high and low for more books, more stories, and more photos. I know that she is enormously famous, people around the world know who she is. She has been written into songs, poems, and been inspirational to artists all over the world. She has started trends, been a generational sex symbol that all others look up to. She is featured in literature, movies, on cups or shot glasses, in fashion magazines today. To me, she is a little girl just wanting to be loved. Wishing for all the love in the world to fill her heart. Only in death did she finally achieve that, death beat her but could not take from her, her one true wish. To be eternally, forever loved.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Literacy Narrative Questions 4-13

Krystall Fasel
English 101

In Class Lab
Literacy Narrative Questions 4-13

 Marilyn Monroe and Medication vs. Creativity
Both subjects are really about not judging a book by it’s cover.  All people have an internal struggle they have to learn how to work through.
I think most people will feel some kind of understanding and be able to look at their own lives and agree that there are things we have all over come. Stereotypes are cheap. It’s better to get to know a person based on interests and likes then to just jump straight out and judge them.
As far as attitude and emotion, I would hope that my story comes across sincere. I will be putting a lot of personal thought into my story and telling the truth about one of my greatest struggles.
I will be adding this story to my blogpost. I will add some photos for understanding and to get my point across.
Fantasizing as I sit in the lobby, bored beyond tears, I look around and see the chairs, the magazines the receptionist. In my mind I can start to change things around. I wonder what it would be like to live in the 50’s. To live a luxurious lifestyle. To marry the famous Joe DiMaggio. Forever smiling, never hurt. That’s what I have to do. No matter how hard this gets, no matter what I have to fight through, I’m going to smile. I’m going to never let anyone outside myself see the real me. The walls turn from a dingy beige color to a fabulous pink. My torn jeans and flannel change into an elegant satin dress. I sit back in my seat and I smile. “Krystall, she’s ready for you.”
Seeing the sights before me. This land that I had thought was forgotten. Tucked back in the farthest reaches of my mind. The desert that never ends until it becomes a city. A city of lights. So much fun to be had. I see the casinos shimmering in the sunshine. Back in the sunshine again, finally I’ll find warmth. Away from the drizzle and the rain. Then why am I shaking? Is it happening again? Another panic attack. I look away from the window to my mother. She’s anxious too. I can tell that she’s holding it together for me. The fasten seat belt sign has been on for 15 minutes and we are starting are decent. The engine makes terrible noises and I feel like we are going faster. I think I changed my mind. I want to go back home now. I’m not ready to face this thing. This is going to be a disaster. As we get closer the landing gear opens. Tires on asphalt. A shaking. Finally slowing down. I’m here. Here I go. Come on feet. Then I stop. I can’t see anything. All I can hear are the ching-ching-cha-ching-bing. Back in Vegas.

Summer is upon us once again. Lounging around the lake with my best friends. This is exactly what life should be all about. I worked 11 days in a row to get 3 off at the same time. This is a little mini vacation for me. The girls pass around the spray bottle filled with baby oil and water. Just a little shake, a little spritz and we’ll all be golden brown by the end of the day. Kristi to the right of me hands me an ice cold beer. It’s been sitting in the lake keeping cool and it’s exactly what I needed. Summer breezes come off the water at the perfect time, a bead of sweat drips down my back. I think it’s time for one more dip.
The first time I watched ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’, I believe I was 15 years old. I watched it on an old VHS tape and I marveled at how glamorous it all was. These actors and actresses back then had to be multi-talented. They had to sing and dance along with remembering lines. I could never do that, I thought to myself. I could never be that talented or that beautiful. There she was, Marilyn Monroe. Dressed in pink. That’s my new favorite color, I decided that right there at that moment. I started talking about her. Caring about her. My mother bought me a book for my birthday. I read it. She bought me another book for Christmas and I read that one. I was reading not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I started searching antique shops for more information. She had started her career as Norma Jean Baker, a model. Maybe I would get lucky and find some really old stuff. Most people probably didn’t know who that even was. Searching through an old antique shop in Port Orchard the store clerk found me on the floor going through some old magazines. I’m sure I looked a mess covered in dust sitting on the floor.
“Can I help you find something honey?” She asked me. “I was hoping to find the old ‘Life’ magazine from 1952 with Marilyn on the cover, or even old pictures from ‘Family Circle’ or ‘Blue Book’.”
She smiled at me. “We don’t have anything like that here honey. Try some of the shops in Seattle, we do however have a few books.”
She lead me over to a book shelf where she pulled out ‘Marilyn: Her Life in Her Own Words’. I bought the book without hesitations. I was thrilled. In it were photos, journal entries. The best book I’d found so far. Excited I raced home and began to read. I felt like I was sitting in her bedroom with her, interviewing her myself. She had me hooked. Me and a million other people across the whole entire planet.
Getting to our hotel room, my mother and I almost fell to the floor. That was an exhausting flight. Not because it was long but it was emotional. Here we were. Here for one reason. My stomach was a ball of nerves. I had never been so anxious and excited in my whole life. I was doing the right thing. I was there to tell the truth. I was there to see my long lost brother and to finally meet my sister. Calming my self down a little my mother says to me, “How about a beer Krystall?” Shocked, I couldn’t believe it. My mother was asking me if I wanted a beer. I was only 17 years old but I had in fact drank before. Not that I had ever told my mother. Maybe she had known all along that I had drank before, maybe she knew that I just might deserve a drink. Either way, she bought me and ice cold Corona. The lime fit perfectly down the neck of the bottle. My mother and I sat there, drinking our beer, giggling. Maybe this wouldn’t be so hard after all.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Choosing A Topic

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Characteristics to Follow

·         Clearly identified event (Who? What?)
·         Described setting (When? Where?)
·         Vivid descriptive details (Story brought to life)
·         Consistent point of view (Who’s telling the story?)
·         Clear point (Why does it matter?)

Choosing a Topic

·         Reading a biography on Marilyn Monroe

When I was younger I watched my first Marilyn Monroe movie.  ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’.  Being a blonde girl myself I instantly fell in love with the movie.  Followed by me watching, ‘The Seven Year Itch’, and ‘Some Like It Hot’. I started obsessing over Marilyn. I started looking up facts. Reading books.  Always wanting to find an autobiography, or a better biography then the last. Searching antique shops to find any little thing that was different from what over processed box stores had to offer. This girl had survived so much in her childhood.  She had been passed around from family members, abandoned by her mother and finally placed into foster care.  Her foster family did not care for her properly and she suffered many forms of abuse.  In order for her to free herself from this pain she married at 16 years old.  It was only as she got older and started being allowed to find herself that she realized what she wanted from life.  She fought hard every single day to prove her worth.  Most people look at her and think she’s just a ditzy blonde girl.  I see so much more.  She gives me strength.  I myself had a very rough childhood. I see strength in her that she never gave up. She did her best to prove she was worth it. This topic I believe could include all five characteristics.  I am somewhat hesitant however due to one rule in #4.  Consistent Point of View. To not switch first to third person. I do believe in the story and know that I could accurately compare the two stories into one to make sense.
·         Clearly identified event (Who? What?) Marilyn’s story told by me comparing her life to my own.
·         Described setting (When? Where?) Her history related to mine. Childhood into adulthood.
·         Vivid descriptive details (Story brought to life) Memories, dreams, hopes and pain.
·         Consistent point of view (Who’s telling the story?) Possible issue here.
·         Clear point (Why does it matter?) Proving that she wasn’t just a sex symbol. Feminism.

·         Medication and a change in writing

As a 15 year old girl I sat in the counselor’s office at school waiting for my turn. I had been in and out of every school counselor’s office in every school I’ve ever been in. In an era where there is obviously something wrong with a child if they ‘don’t get it’, so let’s medicate them all. I was used to being here. I was not prepared, however, for the counselor to refer me to a physiatrist. I knew something was up, something was wrong with me. I was a little bit different. Instead of math homework I sat and wrote poetry. I wrote stories. I drew pictures. I loved writing. There was so much in my head. Pain, guilt, frustration, longing, and praying. I stayed open minded to a prescription that might turn some of that off. My mother was not.  She put me on herbal remedies and lit candles in hopes that I would grow out of it. Story short, I did not grow out of it. I continued to write and I continued to hurt. I was opening up to the physiatrist, telling her what was on my mind, reading her my words and exposing all the truths about my childhood that I had never told anyone. She finally after a year, diagnosed me with P.T.S.D. How could this be possible? I thought that’s what war veterans came home from overseas with. There was no way that I could have that. Simply explained to me, there is a chemical imbalance in my brain. With practice I could learn to work with it but for now she suggested medication. At 17 years old I was put on a low dosage anti-depressant. Over a year the dosage went up. A little more at a time. The pain started to dissipate, the anger fell to the far side of my mind, and so did my creative writing. I started not caring and therefore not writing. I tried, and with work I could write, but it wasn’t the same. Words used to pour out of me. Now I had to plot everything I wrote. Take meticulous notes on my own poetry. Finally I gave up. I thought I was done with it. Prepared to live my life writing letters in birthday cards with cute little one liners. I find myself today thankful that I had recent health issues which caused me to rethink my current career, and go back to school. It’s been a long time but it does feel so wonderful to be given the opportunity to be creative again. Wish me luck!
·         Clearly identified event (Who? What?) Personal history of medication and writing.
·         Described setting (When? Where?) Childhood through adulthood.
·         Vivid descriptive details (Story brought to life) Very personal details.
·         Consistent point of view (Who’s telling the story?) Story written by me about me.
·         Clear point (Why does it matter?) Controversial reasons to medicate children and the repercussions it creates.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Literacy Narrative... Example & List

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Examples of narratives:

·         Vivid Descriptions:
“I’m sitting in the woods with a bunch of Catholic people I just met yesterday. Suddenly, they ask me to name one of the talents God has given me. I panic for a split second and then breathe an internal sigh of relief. I tell them I’m a writer. As the group leaders move on to question someone else, I sit trying to mentally catch my breath. It will take a moment before the terror leaves my forearms, chest, and stomach, but I tell myself that I have nothing to fear. I am a writer. Yes, I most definitely am a writer. Now breath, I tell myself…and suppress that horrifying suspicion that you are actually not a writer at all.”
--Emily Vallowe, “Write or Wrong Identity”
‘Everyone’s An Author’ page 117

·         Vivid Dialog:
“Judith Jamison is my kind of American cultural icon… She has many accolades and awards—among them the National Medal of Arts, the Kennedy Center Honors and Emmy…
But when I met her… she said with a huge smile, “Yes, honey, but you know I still have to do the laundry myself, and no one in New York parts the sidewalk ‘cause I am comin’ through!”
I like icons who are authentic and accessible. I think our country benefits from that. It can only serve to inspire others to believe that they can try to do the same thing.
--Maria Hinojosa, “Dancing Past the Boundaries”
‘Everyone’s An Author’ page 282

·         Vivid Sensory
“Certain events are parallel, but compared with Hugh’s, my childhood was unspeakably dull. When I was seven years old, my family moved to North Carolina. When he was seven years old, Hugh’s family moved to the Congo. We had a collie and a house cat. They had a monkey and two horses named Charlie Brown and Satan. I threw stones at stop signs Hugh threw stones at crocodiles. The verbs are the same, but he definitely wins the prize when it comes to nouns and objects. An eventful day for my mother might have involved a trip to the dry cleaner or a conversation with the potato-chip deliveryman. Asked one ordinary Congo afternoon what she’d done with her day, Hugh’s mother answered that she and a fellow member of the Ladies’ Club had visited a leper colony on the outskirts of Kinshasa. No reason was given for the expedition, though chances are she was staking it out for a future field trip.
--David Sedaris, “Remembering My Childhood on the Continent of Africa”
‘Everyone’s An Author’ page 309

Literacy Narrative
Choosing a Topic about Reading or Writing
Possible Topics:
·         8th Grade paper about Ancient Egypt
·         Reading first biography on Marilyn Monroe
·         Understanding first play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’
·         Working with kids and being the teacher, teaching kids to read
·         Passing high school with poetry

Definitions And Ideas

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Responding To Other Blogs

It seems that since the class is all reading the same book we all have the same basic idea to thinking rhetorically and using those thoughts to write, understand what we read, and how we use it in every day thought.  The dictionary explanation of  the word does not do it justice.  The book goes into far more detail.  Still trying to understand why the meaning of the word can mean so many different things.  I have talked to family and friends in conversation about what the word means to them and they all have the same explanation.  For most people, the definition is simple and blunt. Rhetoric questions are usually dramatizations or exaggerations of a persons opinion. A way of saying, "Well Duh!". I believe we are learning that it is more a way to think and react.  If your listening rhetorically, you keep your mind open to others thoughts and allow the idea to be possible or true.  If your speaking rhetorically your presenting your idea in a way that you hope others will be open minded and listen to.  Taking extra care to explain why your idea is a good one.   

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Definition of Rhetoric


Definition of Rhetoric
Thinking and acting rhetorically

            In the last two weeks, after reading just a few chapters in this book, my ideas on what rhetoric means have changed. The word and definition could quickly be explained as a form of communication.  It seems better to broaden that definition, the best way to communicate your ideas is to speak and listen rhetorically. In writing you have to understand your own topic.  You have to evaluate and analyze it.  Ask questions of your own work to better understand your theme.  Present your ideas and theory in a way the audience can understand it.  Listen to the feedback of peers and be open minded to change your ideals.  In order to be as effective as possible you must use ethical communication.  Keep others cultures in mind especially if that’s part of your context. 
Read. Analyze. Respond

            In rhetoric writing and thinking a person first looks for a goal.  A reason to be presenting this idea.  They must research from different mediums and use that information to all extremes. To be efficient this person could almost be an investigative reporter on their own subject.  Asking, who, what, where, when, why and how.  Knowing as much as possible to answer all questions yet still open minded to change.  Working diligently one step at a time to complete a thesis.  Forever keeping that goal in mind.   

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Writing a Narrative

Krystall Fasel
English 101
Chapter 8

Writing a Narrative

Everyday narratives:
·         Every day my son comes home from school with stories about everything he remembers doing that day.  He has a crush on a girl in another class and he has a best friend.  Most of his stories are about his adventures with them.  He loves recess and science the most and tells me often about what the class did in relation to those topics.  I love his stories.
·         Reading on facebook about some of the things my friends are doing is another way that I find out what people are up to and how they are feeling and reacting to the world.  Sometimes it’s sad and sometimes it’s very happy.  I read and respond accordingly.
·         I have a book at home that was written by the last photographer to do a photo shoot with Marilyn Monroe.  He tells a story about her life and also includes much of her own writing from journals and interviews.  I find it very powerful and very much enjoy reading it.   
·         Listening to music sometimes calms me when I’m upset or fretting about things.  I have very high anxiety so calming myself is not always easy.  I find listening to Jack Johnson always helps.  He sings about love, the sunshine, letting go and getting away.  The sunshine is very important to me.  If I have the choice I always choose outside time.  Jack seems to feel that way too.

“Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together.”
Marilyn Monroe

“I know she loves the sunrise
No longer sees it with her sleeping eyes
And I know that when she said she's gonna try
Well it might not work because of other ties and
I know she usually has some other ties
And I wouldn't want to break 'em, nah, I wouldn't want to break 'em
Maybe she'll help me to untie this but
Until then well, I'm gonna have to lie too”
Jack Johnson ‘Flake’

It Gets Better Project

After reading some stories from the people on this website, I find the most powerful ones come from the elderly people.  They lived through a time that did not have LGBT support systems.  For the most part they lied to themselves and lied to others just to survive.  Just now are these people finally realizing who they are and who they want to be.  Still it is not easy for other countries to except all people, just as in some states in this country it is still dangerous to be whomever you choose to be.  I feel for these people and these kids.  I personally support all peoples rights to make their own choice.  I am no one to judge.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chapter 2 Response

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Chapter 2 Response
“Make a list of all the writing that you remember doing in the last week.”

                In the last week I have written in a number of genres.  In school I have been responding to the curriculum to which we are reading.  I have made table graphs at work.  In math I have taken very detailed notes for myself, to be able to better my chances of learning and absorbing the material. 

·         In English class: Responding and comparing with peers the book we are all reading. 
·         At Work:  I am in charge of file organization of employee files.  I made a detailed log to indicate what was in the file and what was missing.  Easy for the employees to read and respond to.
·         In Math:  Possibly one of the hardest.  Making notes for myself to remember exactly how I completed a problem.  In my math journal I wrote notes to ask for later so that I could continue working. 

        In comparing my writing to other students I find that I might be more open minded when it comes to others points of view.  The book to me was one point of view that I was asked to listen to and report on.  Others in the class disagreed with many of the things the book was teaching.  At work, I tried to keep my findings in the files limited to facts.  I wanted to get my point across to employees what was needed for legal reasons.  I was asked to do this from my boss so it was expected of me.   The notes I wrote in math were for me.  I wrote them so I could go back on them when presented with a problem that I needed help with.  Math is defiantly the hardest subject that I work with. 

Rhetorical Situation
·         Unique Constraints
·         Opportunities
·         Workplace Reports
·         Analyze Situation
·         Evaluate (Why)
·         Purpose
·         Organization
·         Sets a Tone
·         Audience (Relationship, Interest)
·         Purpose (Motivation, goal)
·         Stance (Objective)
·         Context (Personal Voice)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My Personal Writing

My Personal Writing

School Work
Like: I am enjoying being back in school after so many years avoiding it.
List’s (To Do)
Like: Keeps me organized.  I love my list’s.
Personal Messages
Like: Sharing via facebook, texting, emailing.  It’s rare that I share personal feelings with people so it comes out in very subtle ways.  Also I’m a note writer.  I write notes to my family members every day.
Creative (Poetry & Stories)
I miss: I used to be very much into creative writing and I’m hoping now that I’m back in school I can start feeling the urge to write again.

Writers, Authors, and Genres

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Writers, Authors, and Genres
“Professional Authors vs. Every day Authors”

                In my opinion the only way to really tell the difference between a writer and an author is personal to that person.  If someone wants to be considered an author and goes about getting their works published then they are in fact and author.  If a person wants to write for their own reasons and writes a complete novel yet chooses not to share it with anyone, they are a writer.  Therefore the lines are clearly written by law on who has a copyright and who doesn’t. 

Not published

This does not change my opinion on where the most creative ideas come from.

·         Blog Writer
·         Novel Writer
·         Social Media Sharing
·         Comic Book Writer and Artist
·         Song Writer
·         Children’s Book Writer

School Work
Like: I am enjoying being back in school after so many years avoiding it.
List’s (To Do)
Like: Keeps me organized.  I love my list’s.
Personal Messages
Like: Sharing via facebook, texting, emailing.  It’s rare that I share personal feelings with people so it comes out in very subtle ways.  Also I’m a note writer.  I write notes to my family members every day.
Creative (Poetry & Stories)
I miss: I used to be very much into creative writing and I’m hoping now that I’m back in school I can start feeling the urge to write again.
            All of these people have creative ideas that they are choosing to share.  When they put their thoughts down, bringing them out of their heads, they are being creative.  All of these people have the potential to be authors.  Some of them even great authors.  Once published however, they can not all be categorized in the same genres.  Some of them will be works of art remembered by many for many years, and some of them can be forgotten.  In the minds of the writer is where you will find the true author.  If the title is wanted it can be earned.