Sunday, April 19, 2015

Definition of Rhetoric


Definition of Rhetoric
Thinking and acting rhetorically

            In the last two weeks, after reading just a few chapters in this book, my ideas on what rhetoric means have changed. The word and definition could quickly be explained as a form of communication.  It seems better to broaden that definition, the best way to communicate your ideas is to speak and listen rhetorically. In writing you have to understand your own topic.  You have to evaluate and analyze it.  Ask questions of your own work to better understand your theme.  Present your ideas and theory in a way the audience can understand it.  Listen to the feedback of peers and be open minded to change your ideals.  In order to be as effective as possible you must use ethical communication.  Keep others cultures in mind especially if that’s part of your context. 
Read. Analyze. Respond

            In rhetoric writing and thinking a person first looks for a goal.  A reason to be presenting this idea.  They must research from different mediums and use that information to all extremes. To be efficient this person could almost be an investigative reporter on their own subject.  Asking, who, what, where, when, why and how.  Knowing as much as possible to answer all questions yet still open minded to change.  Working diligently one step at a time to complete a thesis.  Forever keeping that goal in mind.   

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