Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Writers, Authors, and Genres

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Writers, Authors, and Genres
“Professional Authors vs. Every day Authors”

                In my opinion the only way to really tell the difference between a writer and an author is personal to that person.  If someone wants to be considered an author and goes about getting their works published then they are in fact and author.  If a person wants to write for their own reasons and writes a complete novel yet chooses not to share it with anyone, they are a writer.  Therefore the lines are clearly written by law on who has a copyright and who doesn’t. 

Not published

This does not change my opinion on where the most creative ideas come from.

·         Blog Writer
·         Novel Writer
·         Social Media Sharing
·         Comic Book Writer and Artist
·         Song Writer
·         Children’s Book Writer

School Work
Like: I am enjoying being back in school after so many years avoiding it.
List’s (To Do)
Like: Keeps me organized.  I love my list’s.
Personal Messages
Like: Sharing via facebook, texting, emailing.  It’s rare that I share personal feelings with people so it comes out in very subtle ways.  Also I’m a note writer.  I write notes to my family members every day.
Creative (Poetry & Stories)
I miss: I used to be very much into creative writing and I’m hoping now that I’m back in school I can start feeling the urge to write again.
            All of these people have creative ideas that they are choosing to share.  When they put their thoughts down, bringing them out of their heads, they are being creative.  All of these people have the potential to be authors.  Some of them even great authors.  Once published however, they can not all be categorized in the same genres.  Some of them will be works of art remembered by many for many years, and some of them can be forgotten.  In the minds of the writer is where you will find the true author.  If the title is wanted it can be earned.

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