Thursday, April 23, 2015

Literacy Narrative Questions 4-13

Krystall Fasel
English 101

In Class Lab
Literacy Narrative Questions 4-13

 Marilyn Monroe and Medication vs. Creativity
Both subjects are really about not judging a book by it’s cover.  All people have an internal struggle they have to learn how to work through.
I think most people will feel some kind of understanding and be able to look at their own lives and agree that there are things we have all over come. Stereotypes are cheap. It’s better to get to know a person based on interests and likes then to just jump straight out and judge them.
As far as attitude and emotion, I would hope that my story comes across sincere. I will be putting a lot of personal thought into my story and telling the truth about one of my greatest struggles.
I will be adding this story to my blogpost. I will add some photos for understanding and to get my point across.
Fantasizing as I sit in the lobby, bored beyond tears, I look around and see the chairs, the magazines the receptionist. In my mind I can start to change things around. I wonder what it would be like to live in the 50’s. To live a luxurious lifestyle. To marry the famous Joe DiMaggio. Forever smiling, never hurt. That’s what I have to do. No matter how hard this gets, no matter what I have to fight through, I’m going to smile. I’m going to never let anyone outside myself see the real me. The walls turn from a dingy beige color to a fabulous pink. My torn jeans and flannel change into an elegant satin dress. I sit back in my seat and I smile. “Krystall, she’s ready for you.”
Seeing the sights before me. This land that I had thought was forgotten. Tucked back in the farthest reaches of my mind. The desert that never ends until it becomes a city. A city of lights. So much fun to be had. I see the casinos shimmering in the sunshine. Back in the sunshine again, finally I’ll find warmth. Away from the drizzle and the rain. Then why am I shaking? Is it happening again? Another panic attack. I look away from the window to my mother. She’s anxious too. I can tell that she’s holding it together for me. The fasten seat belt sign has been on for 15 minutes and we are starting are decent. The engine makes terrible noises and I feel like we are going faster. I think I changed my mind. I want to go back home now. I’m not ready to face this thing. This is going to be a disaster. As we get closer the landing gear opens. Tires on asphalt. A shaking. Finally slowing down. I’m here. Here I go. Come on feet. Then I stop. I can’t see anything. All I can hear are the ching-ching-cha-ching-bing. Back in Vegas.

Summer is upon us once again. Lounging around the lake with my best friends. This is exactly what life should be all about. I worked 11 days in a row to get 3 off at the same time. This is a little mini vacation for me. The girls pass around the spray bottle filled with baby oil and water. Just a little shake, a little spritz and we’ll all be golden brown by the end of the day. Kristi to the right of me hands me an ice cold beer. It’s been sitting in the lake keeping cool and it’s exactly what I needed. Summer breezes come off the water at the perfect time, a bead of sweat drips down my back. I think it’s time for one more dip.
The first time I watched ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’, I believe I was 15 years old. I watched it on an old VHS tape and I marveled at how glamorous it all was. These actors and actresses back then had to be multi-talented. They had to sing and dance along with remembering lines. I could never do that, I thought to myself. I could never be that talented or that beautiful. There she was, Marilyn Monroe. Dressed in pink. That’s my new favorite color, I decided that right there at that moment. I started talking about her. Caring about her. My mother bought me a book for my birthday. I read it. She bought me another book for Christmas and I read that one. I was reading not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I started searching antique shops for more information. She had started her career as Norma Jean Baker, a model. Maybe I would get lucky and find some really old stuff. Most people probably didn’t know who that even was. Searching through an old antique shop in Port Orchard the store clerk found me on the floor going through some old magazines. I’m sure I looked a mess covered in dust sitting on the floor.
“Can I help you find something honey?” She asked me. “I was hoping to find the old ‘Life’ magazine from 1952 with Marilyn on the cover, or even old pictures from ‘Family Circle’ or ‘Blue Book’.”
She smiled at me. “We don’t have anything like that here honey. Try some of the shops in Seattle, we do however have a few books.”
She lead me over to a book shelf where she pulled out ‘Marilyn: Her Life in Her Own Words’. I bought the book without hesitations. I was thrilled. In it were photos, journal entries. The best book I’d found so far. Excited I raced home and began to read. I felt like I was sitting in her bedroom with her, interviewing her myself. She had me hooked. Me and a million other people across the whole entire planet.
Getting to our hotel room, my mother and I almost fell to the floor. That was an exhausting flight. Not because it was long but it was emotional. Here we were. Here for one reason. My stomach was a ball of nerves. I had never been so anxious and excited in my whole life. I was doing the right thing. I was there to tell the truth. I was there to see my long lost brother and to finally meet my sister. Calming my self down a little my mother says to me, “How about a beer Krystall?” Shocked, I couldn’t believe it. My mother was asking me if I wanted a beer. I was only 17 years old but I had in fact drank before. Not that I had ever told my mother. Maybe she had known all along that I had drank before, maybe she knew that I just might deserve a drink. Either way, she bought me and ice cold Corona. The lime fit perfectly down the neck of the bottle. My mother and I sat there, drinking our beer, giggling. Maybe this wouldn’t be so hard after all.

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