Thursday, April 30, 2015

Think About Genre

Krystall Fasel
English 101
Exercise on page 62

Think About Genre

Most recently I have noticed there are many people that have opinions on my personal diet. I am gluten intolerant and since I was a child have preferred to not eat meat. I am not a diehard vegetarian as I do love seafood. The proper term for me would be pescatarian. For the family at home I buy free range, organic, hormone free meats of all kinds. It’s a little bit more expensive but worth it to feed my family. My findings over the course of my life, with my personal diet, some people understand it and some people are annoyed by it. Culturally eating out in many different ethnic restaurants, can be challenging. Most of these type of restaurants do not understand. Americanized and corporate restaurants usually have list that detail the allergens in all of their menu items. I still however, get a roll of the eyes and a look from the servers. For this reason I have a select few places I go out to eat, with understanding staff and great accommodations.

As a small child I was pretty open minded to food. Gobbling up anything put in front of me. It was only as I got older and started understanding where meat came from. I started looking up videos and pictures. To me these cruel acts against our food was torture. Disgusted I couldn’t stand the thought of consuming so much negative energy. Focusing myself on being positive I joined a team based in Seattle that goes out and educates people. A few years ago when there was a law being passed for humane living for egg laying hens, I was amongst the group collecting signatures. There were some people that agreed with our cause and some that did not. It was going to cost large corporations lots of money to redesign how the hen’s cages were arranged and handled, which in turn would cost the consumer more money to purchase.

I could easily see both sides of the controversy. My mind was made up though. I would continue to spend a little but more and feel good about my family’s food. I would continue to voice my opinions, usually only when asked. It is amazing to me how nonchalantly people ignore the facts. Everyone in the end has the right to believe and feel how they desire. 

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