Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Chapter 19 and 20

Chapter 19 and 20 from
The Bedford Researcher

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 focuses on understanding the different documentation systems to use in research papers. It is used to cite sources clearly and consistently. You must choose the proper documentation system for your style of writing. Within your document sources you should provide a reference within text and a complete set of citations.

Styles/Documentation Systems
System Uses and Differences

Used In:
For Documents:
English, philosophy
Works cited
Social Sciences
Psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science
Reference list
History and Journalism

Sources in footnotes/endnotes and bibliography
Physical, Life Sciences
Chemistry, geology, biology
Number citations and list sources in order

Chapter 20

Using the MLA Style
Chapter 20 goes into great detail of every way to use a source in a document. There are many different rules for using sources. All sources used should be cited and acknowledged to avoid plagiarism.

Using Sources with Direct Quotation or in a Summary or Paraphrase:
·         Emphasize the author of source and page numbers.
·         Acknowledge source with parentheses.
·         In text citations use last name and page number, if the source is used in context only put the page number into the parentheses at the end of quotation or summary.
·         Works cited placed at bottom of the document. If there is not citation of the paper and you want to acknowledge a source that you read you can add “Works Consulted”.

·         Sources should be alphabetized by author first or title second. 

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