Thursday, October 15, 2015

Collaborative Writing

English 102
Collaborative Writing

Group Source Evaluation

Different Sources
·         Academic Journals: Harder to read, with more details. Great sources to rely on. Thorough research. Reliable information. In depth.  Must be peer reviewed by at least five people. Mostly written by people that already have degrees.
·         Newspapers: Media, not always reliable. Up to date information. Always cites an author. Usually visuals.
·         Printed: Books and magazines. Can sometimes be very opinionated. Unusually cites other sources to work with. Can be outdated.
·         Peer Reviewed: Collaborative information.  People working towards degree, graduate students.
·         Periodicals: Online sources. A source within a source. Bias information. Educated journalist. Examples of New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Economist, New York Post.
·         Government Sources:  Harder to argue with source. Opinion respected in the academic community. Sometimes do not have authors. Backed by research. You have to find out which agency is backing the issue.
·         Scholarly Article: Academic journal, pre thesis statement. Intern research.

Incorporating Sources Effectively

Haroon Ashraf, writing in the Lancet in 2001, wrote in the Science and Medicine Journal, “Although the committee does not support the association of MMR and autism, it does make clear that causality studies do have ‘inherent methodological limitations’” (1341). The study obviously needs more research to prove it’s point being that all the ideas of MMR and autism run parallel they never actually intersect.

United States. CDC. "Understanding How Vaccines Work." 2013. Web. 15 Oct. 2015.

Justin Housman tells the story in Surfer Magazine 2014, of How Jay Moriarity “…survived [and that] two decades later his wipeout is still one of the heaviest falls anybody has ever taken. Jay’s Mavericks adventure came at the dawn of the tow-surfing age and the worldwide search for super-big surf [Many other surfers also had also survived wipeouts]. …By the mid-2000s, the paddle-in brigade were throwing themselves over the ledge at Jaws, and in 2012, the jet skis sat idle while paddling hellmen attacked huge, freaky-perfect surf at Cloudbreak during a lay day at the Fiji Pro.”

Housman, Justin. "The Legacy of Jay." Surfer Magazine. The Enthusiast Network, 19 Dec 2014. Web. 15 Oct 2015. 

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