Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Database Search (ASP)

Searching the Databases
Academic Search Premier

·         Dubock, Adrian. "The Politics Of Golden Rice." GM Crops & Food 5.3 (2014): 210-222. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.

·         Paarlberg, Robert. "A Dubious Success: The NGO Campaign Against Gmos." GM Crops & Food 5.3 (2014): 223-228. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.

·         Lieberman, Sarah, and Tim Gray. "Gmos And The Developing World: A Precautionary Interpretation Of Biotechnology." British Journal Of Politics & International Relations 10.3 (2008): 395-411. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.

·         "The Farmer's Friend. (Cover Story)." New Internationalist 481 (2015): 23-27. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.

·         "The People Vs Monsanto (And Other GM Giants). (Cover Story)." New Internationalist 481 (2015): 24-25. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.

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