Sunday, October 4, 2015

Chapter Four

Chapter 4
Lesson for Chapter in
The Bedford Researcher

                Chapter four teaches us the importance of reading critically and reading with an attitude. Reading critically gives us the ability to read with an open mind yet with a question looking to be answered. To look at a document and analyze it with specific questions in mind yet allowing our minds to stay open to a change of thought or acceptance on an opinion. While thinking with an attitude we can relate our question to how the source is presenting their opinion. We can take the information as points of disagreement, concerns, or curiosity. At all times taking note of our topic, while reading it is important to evaluate and question how the information matters to our subject. In reading on the material you have in question at some point your position on the matter will become clear. At this point we can begin our thesis statement. Actively reading many sources will help to find information that can answer your main questions and highlight your position as well as others. Always keeping in mind that the research is to find the evidence needed to answer your questions and prove your point.

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