Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chapter Seven

Chapter 7
Lesson for Chapter in
The Bedford Researcher

                Chapter seven explains the importance of saving and organizing your information, findings and sources. For printed information such as hand written notes, web or database print outs, photo copies of articles or book passages and drafts of research question/position paper, these should be organized in file folders with lightly detailed notes on each paper. All information should be organized by topic, date, pros vs cons, material type or author. It is easiest to resort back to these notes if you consistently use the same form of organizing. Each note should include publication information such as author, title, publisher, place and date of publication, web source and URL. Record the date of findings on each note to further help with remembering when and where you found it. Saving digital information is also important. Keeping all information organized in its own file while saved in one main file. Using a Working bibliography throughout the course of your project will also help in the end with a ‘Works Cited’ page or reference list. 

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