Saturday, October 24, 2015

Chapter Three

Krystall Fasel
English 102

Chapter Three
The Bedford Researcher
Developing Research Question
& Proposal

Developing Research Question:
The research question directs efforts to collect, critically read, evaluate and take note of sources. It is should be used as a flexible guide as you can change your question as you learn more about topic.

Reflect on Issue:
Gain understanding on topic information.

Focus on Role:
·         Inform
·         Share knowledge
·         Reflect
·         Evaluate
·         Analyze Solve Problems
·         Convince

Questions to ask (page 48)
·         Information:      What is known/not known?
·         History:                How is the past relevant to topic?
·         Assumptions:    Conclusions others have made?
·         Goals:                   What do readers and writers want to see happen on issue?
·         Outcomes:          What has happened so far?
·         Policies:                Procedure of actions?

Choose Research Question:
Be able to respond to your research question in practical and useful way. The question should not be too broad or narrow. The question needs to be balanced.

Refine Search:
Use qualifying words by referring to existing conditions, use conditional and specific words and phrases. Focus on manageable aspect of issue.

Create Research Proposal:
The proposal needs to be a formal presentation of your plan for research. Identify planning of what you have already done and researched. Direct the areas that need more research and then asses the progress that has been made. The proposal should include:
·         Title page
·         Introduction to readers that identifies topic and research question and position. Describe purpose and identifies genre.
·         Review of literature as an overview of information, ideas and arguments. Explaining the most useful sources as a group of people that prove your position.
·         Explanation of how you will collect information. The plan should identify they Type of; sources, search tools, strategies and schedule.
·         Project timeline should explain the range of days, weeks and months of copleting research and writing document.
·         The working bibliography should list all of the sources in use of your project. An annotated bibliography is helpful by containing a brief description of each source.

Clarify and Elaborate Core Proposal:
The abstract or executive summary will allow the reader to gain a general understanding on project and plans of completion. The overview of challenges will detail potential problems or difficulties that may be encountered in the research process.

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