Monday, May 11, 2015

Commercial Analysis

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Commercial Analysis
Sailor Jerry Rum 

After thirteen years of bartending I have been introduced to many forms of rum. Likewise I purchased my first tattoo in 1998, over sixteen years ago. I now have around 21 hours of ink. Some of my friends who are covered head to toe. Bartending and tattoos cultures are both are very controversial subjects. Sometimes when I tell people how long I have been bartending they respond with positive or negative reactions. I'm proud of my history in the industry and just as proud of my ink. In this commercial you get to see a little of how fun both worlds can be. 

  • ETHOS: The authority genre seems to belong to a strong and patriotic American will to be free. Doing what you want, when you want and with who you want.  The eagle symbol shows up a few times and is in the art of the famous Norman 'Sailor' Jerry. This appeals to the American spirit in living free. Kid's will be kids.
  • LOGOS:  The logic in this commercial falls back again on patriotic fun. They are young people, listening to rock & roll in the desert. Driving motorcycles and eating watermelon at a BBQ. Reminds me of  'Rockabilly' societies of the 1950's. The commercial is in black and white reinforcing the hipster theme.  American Hip-Culture.
  • PATHOS: Emotionally I want to be there. These kids are having fun with not a care in the world. Having fun. At the end you are asked if you want to join. I think most people would agree, that yes, I do in fact want to join.

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