Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Textual Analysis

Krystall Fasel
English 101

In Class Lab
Textual Analysis

·         Picture number one is an ad for PETA, (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). They are insinuating that if you don’t wear your house pets as clothing you shouldn’t wear fur. They are targeting people that spend money on animal skins and furs for fashion reasons. The ad depicts a celebrity cuddled up with a cute dog with large words making the statement. The bottom of the ad asks a question, “How can you speak up for animals? Visit PETA.org.” valuing the fact that animals are alive, and they cannot speak out against cruelty. It’s our job to pay attention to this and care. Obviously no one is going to put their dog on their shoulders and walk around town, so they are making you think in a rhetorical way.

·         Picture number two is from Freedom For Animals. There is a beautiful woman with curly hair and a chemical burn on the side of her face. The statement at the bottom of the page reads, “For luxuriant HAIR”, they are targeting women who spend money on hair care products. Next to the statement in large letters there is a small statement, “This is how 300,000 lab animals suffer each year.” It is clear that they want people to start paying attention to the products they are buying by checking to make sure the product is not tested on animals. Testing products on animals is a form of abuse, this company is trying to make that point by showing how harmful the chemicals can be.

·         Picture number three is from Mercy for Animals. In large bold print you are asked the question, “Do you support cruelty to animals?” There is a caged pig staring at you through bars and the statement, “Walmart does.” The ad is targeting most people who on shopping trips want to save money. These people choose the larger cooperate stores for the discount. The ad is wanting people to understand that though they may be saving some money it is coming at a larger cost. Most large scale corporations like Walmart have mass producing farms. The animals are mistreated and breed only to be slaughtered. The ad is informing you to these inhuman and intolerable actions in hopes that you may choose to buy organic and farm raised meats.

·         Picture number Four is from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (ASPCA). They depict a Pit-bull playing with a ball in his mouth. The ad lets you know that the dog was abused but is proven to still be a great pet. They are targeting people that may be in the market for a new pet and are trying to convince you to not spend the money on a pure breed, instead opt for adopting a new pet from a shelter.

These four ads are convincing you that animal abuse or cruelty does have an effect. In most cases there are humane options for many of your everyday needs. From what you wear, cook for dinner to the products you use every day.  

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