Thursday, May 21, 2015

In Class Lab: Use of Analysis

Krystall Fasel
English 101

In Class Lab
Think About Your
Own Analysis

Decisions and their Affect

Choice & Affect
Deciding what to cook the kids and family for dinner.
My diet and allergy’s often mean that I have to cook two meals or find something to cook that everyone will eat.
I chose to cook homemade alfredo sauce with gluten free pasta, oven baked chicken and garlic bread (for the little’s). Everyone was happy and full.
Going home and doing homework or taking the kids to the pool at grandma’s house to go swimming.
Hanging out in the sun with the kids or getting my homework done early.
I chose to bring my homework with me to grandma’s house. The kids got to play in the sun and I kept an eye on them while doing my homework.
Offering to work an extra shift.
Making a little extra money but missing out time with my son. Also struggling to find a babysitter to pick my son up at the bus and then take him to T-ball.
I chose to take the shift. I honestly really could use the extra money. I’m still in the process of finding a weekly babysitter that I trust and I miss my son so much.
Quitting my job for medical reasons.
Working full time I make too much money to qualify for health insurance. I’m extremely sick and paying out of pocket for a doctor weekly. Quitting would mean no income at all.
I chose to quit my job and take care of myself. Although medicated I feel much better. I got to volunteer at my son’s school and realized what I want to do with myself. I am however, broke now so I ended up going back to work part time.
Going back to school.
Going back to school could benefit the whole family. With me having the education to find a day job I would be home in the evenings. Quitting my bartending job means that I'll have to work full time to make the money I made working only part time.
I chose the school route. Though it’s hard living such a busy life I am actually really enjoying it. I miss the extra money and volunteering at the school but in the long run, at the end of the day, I’ll be happier, healthier and spending time with the people that matter the most.

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