Thursday, May 21, 2015

In Class Lab: Taking Stock of Your Work

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Taking Stock of
Your Work

1.      After reading and analyzing the information I found out more about tattoos, laws, history along with others ideas then I had previously know. I looked up information online and found many different ideas. Taking down a number of notes on many different opinion levels. Finding helpful information mainly from factual sites as the opinionated sites seemed to try and lead you into their own objective
2.      I found that by taking notes I was able to draft the essay into separate parts. Writing a few different essays on the subjects covered in the completed full essay:
·         History of Tattooing, beginning with the Iceman, the military influences, and the movements throughout American culture.
·         My opinions and feeling on the subject.
·         Medical responses.
·         Religious responses.
·         The current tattoo and how it effects work place and professionalism.
3.      Taking these different parts I organized them into one final essay. Putting together the pieces I had to delete and change some information as it was redundant or unnecessary.
4.      Using historical and recent information coming from many viewpoints I believe that I have without a doubt shown evidence that supports the analysis of the information I have shared. It may not make you change your mind about your opinions but it will make you think about things in a different light.
5.      With my love for all art and my curiosity for history, I was able to blend together the fundamental ideas I was trying to get across. I think my essay is a very interesting read for anyone, not just people interested in tattoo culture.
6.      Finding new information daily and wanting to add it in. Keeping to the 1500 word limit is very challenging. I need to pinpoint the key ideas and really dive in deeper.
7.      Using photos throughout history definitely gives the essay a feeling of how historical the commitment to tattoos are. It’s not just a hipster trend, it’s a way for any person to make a statement. The pictures simply showed exactly what I was writing about.
8.      Allowing others to read the essay in the many different draft forms proved to be beneficial when trying to figure out what to cut out. I had too many topics and was not able to elaborate on them all.
9.      For the next paper I would really love to travel to some of the places I write about. Perhaps even get an interview or two to base my ideas on. Having firsthand information can sometimes make for a better paper.
10.  Loving history made studying the subject amusing. I think this had a huge impact on how my essay turned out. Reading the ideas of many people and researching all of the different opinions. I am very pleased with the work I have put into this essay.
11.  Writing small essays and taking notes on many opinions makes the completed paper more accomplished. Taking in opposing sides of my ideas allowed me to address them and perhaps change the minds of others.

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