Sunday, May 3, 2015

Think About Your Writing Page 70

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Larger, Ongoing Conversation
Explicit & Clear

In my research for explaining my reasons for avoiding meat I came across a couple of web-sites that explain my point of view. The pain on the environment to farm many of these animals has been detrimental. The ongoing deforestation to promote larger farms has impacted the earth in numerous ways. At the same time many of these over processed farms are causing pain to the living creatures within them. Farmers caring for a crop of vegetables take the time to care and water their plants. They want their vegetables to appear more attractive to the consumer. With Meat, the animals just have to be fed. Once an animal is cut open and butchered the pieces of meat will look exactly the same from an abused animal to one that was humanly raised. Some people do say, they can still taste the difference. For me, it has more to do with the energy of then animal. Perhaps it just sickens me to the core of my being knowing that a living creature suffered it's entire life to let me buy a $1 cheeseburger at Burger King. Finally one must take into account the health risks to eating certain kind of animals. We have all been warned for many years about mercury levels in sea food and fish. I think it's time for people to think about over farmed animals and the antibiotics, hormones and the over processing, additives in today's meat. 

There are still others, that believe, we were born to be carnivores. We were born with canine teeth that can cut through meat. Our bodies need the protein and nutrients from meat to survive and grow. Being on an all vegetarian diet requires obedience to eating. You have to supplement every meal to stay healthy. There are many people that kind of live a middle ground. You can eat "Healthy Meat" and stay healthy as well as protect the environment. 
"We’ve long ago changed the natural order of things and we cannot go back. If you were on the fence about eating meat, take hope in the fact that change takes place slowly and restoring the planet is not unthinkable. Complete health for the earth and all its inhabitants means humans must include foods from all natural categories like grass fed animals, wild game, and foods naturally processed by smoke, fermentation, or curing. Exclude industrially processed food of any kind."
-Paleo Leap

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