Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Developing Your Argument

Krystall Fasel

English 101






Developing Your Argument


1.       Position: I will be changing people’s opinions on tattoos and the tattoo culture.


2.       Audience: I will be writing;

·         To authority figures that are against visible tattoos in the work place.

·         Health skeptics that think tattoos are dangerous.

·         Parents that won’t let their kids get tattoos.

·         Judgmental, close minded people.


3.       Pathos: Appealing to their beliefs is going to be rough. I will use medical proof and show that when the work is done the right way it actually is healthy. I will use historical references back to World War II, proving the reasons sailors chose to be inked were valid.


4.       Ethos: They will believe my ideas as I’ll be using many facts to make my points.


5.       Reasons for change;

·         Tattoo culture is becoming very popular. I will use numbers to prove this point.

·         Freedom of Speech and the right to express yourself is a person’s choice alone, not one for other people to make for them.


6.       Concession-Ethos: It is not professional to have obscene or vulgar art in eye site that could potentially offend other people. I do agree with covering up these types of art in professional settings. It is also dangerous to use a tattoo studio that is not properly licensed and without credentials, especially in someone’s home. To be safe and keep your health a priority you have to ask questions and research your artist. Tattoo Nightmares is a good reference.


7.       Rebuttal-Ethos, Logos: I would have to agree with those points. They are valid. That is why you have to do your research beforehand and keep in mind what it is you want on your body forever.


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