Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Thinking about Text Page 175

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Thinking about Text
Page 175
Mad Men: Stillbirth of the American Dream
By: Heather Havrilesky

1.       Heather Harvilesky is trying to convey the accounts of certain characters in the AMC series Madmen, and their insights on living the American dream. She shows character plot interactions with very distinct differences on the ideals of what the American dream looked like in the 50’s and 60’s. Some of these retro era ideas shaped the way we believe today, and prove what has been fought to be changed. With the American dream being a house, a job a car, a family, a little lawn for the kids to frolic on. Working hard to achieve these things is nothing more than an idealistic dream. Heather comments that these ideals have expanded into something far broader and less attainable than ever. Sighting that these dreams leave us always falling short. Affecting our children in shadowing the ideas of discontent and deep-seated frustrations. With the male characters choosing to be involved with women that stroke their ego’s and women looking for men that are Ken-like and providing. At the same time we are introduced to some unconventional individuals, Like Joan with wisdom, survival instincts and compassion, or Peggy seeming to be a feminist concentrating on her career.

2.       It is extremely evident that Heather Havrilesky has seen perhaps every episode of the show. She bases her convictions on the many vast characters. Detailing them to almost precise knowledge, and making the readers feel like many of them could have been real people, writing mini-biography’s on them as if they had been alive.

3.       I believe people will find and opinion and have personal feelings, wanting to respond to sentences like, “The disconnect between the American dream and reality by distilling our deep-seated frustrations as a nation into painfully palpable vignettes.” And, “The American dream is packaged for mass consumption.” Either positively or negatively use the word American will make most people think about who they are and where they stand in these statements.

4.       Having never seen an episode in this series, it is not hard to understand what it is about, based on Heather Havrilesky’s essay. She does well portraying the many characters and capturing the idea of the show. Providing information on a retro-era environment and tying in the emotions you feel while living on today’s terms that were determined by our successors.

5.       Heather more than once uses statements like, “The American dream itself is a carefully packaged, soulless affair.” She remarks on the show’s creator Matthew Weiner’s powerful message of this dream becoming the birth of our discontent as a nation. What got lost in the hustle was our souls. She is wanting people to find empathy for one another and let go of the personal gains pursued by the American dream. To open your mind and allow the dream to be simple while still following personal ambitions. The grass is not always greener on the other side. Work for what makes you happy.

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