Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tim Wise's Video

Krystall Fasel
English 101

Tim Wise’s Video
“the n-word”

1.       Arguments:
Tim is very persuasive in wanting people to understand the use of the word and how it makes a lot of others feel. It should be left up to black people and them alone, to decide how/when to use the word. It is very clear in his speech that the word in itself is very offensive and not acceptable for others to use.

2.       Persuasive:
Tim considered opposing arguments by using the citations of Jerry Seinfeld, Jeff Foxworthy and Dave Chappelle. Stating that just because these people use certain words, including the n-word, that does not make it ok for others to use. He states that when he hears others say things like, “But Chapel says it!” Tim thinks back to something as simple as grade school with ‘Yo mamma’ jokes. No it’s not ok for you to say it. Its ok for me but not for you. He agrees with the argument that it is a double standard but then comes back with history in itself is also a double standard.

3.       Stance:
His objectivity was clear in that his hopes for these speeches and being an activist against the word was more him being an activist against racism as a whole. Instead of fighting the word to bring it out into the open as “cute and ironic” he want’s people to take it to the next level. To become activist themselves by standing in a school yard, at banks, or police stations. To stand against the oppressive forces and to just drop the word. He opposes others reasons for using the word which validates his own principals.
·         He shows special interest in racism and the better ways of fighting it.
·         To be proactive.

4.       Publishers Stance:
The publisher of Tim’s books is Soft Skull. They seem to be liberally motivated with choosing to publish the works of activism and opinion.

5.       Recognize Ideas in Other Sources:
Across the world we are plagued with aggressive terms. In many forms people have found ways to make others feel inadequate. Sexual preference, gender, religion and regional differences have caused many wars and corrupted many lives. The media has covered many attacks against humanity in the past but our history books can go back even farther.

6.       Personal Position:
I personally am against any aggressive terms. I believe that Tim has a very valid point. There are better ways to communicate your feelings then to use slang or derogatory terms.

7.       Audience/Media

I think anyone could be a member to this speech. There were a lot of great ideas covered. I think he was speaking more to the group of people that don’t understand the use of the word. He was trying to communicate his ideas without being condescending. 

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